Monday 23 January 2012

Finished trailer


A website was created through, a site that allows you to create your own website for free. It is important that we keep costs to a minimum due to our low budget and utilise as many free sources of viral marketing as possible. 

The website consists of four main sections, Home, Gallery, Reviews and Cast & Crew. 
It is important that the layout of the website is not complicated so that our users can navigate easily, however, it must look professional in order to be appealing. The use of colours match that of the poster, so that the same message is being sent across through the whole marketing campaign. 

Monday 9 January 2012

Poster analysis

All these movies have one thing in common and that's that they are low budget thriller films much like ours. They also have a plot which involves crime, drugs or teenagers (of whom will be the majority of our cast).


The 2002 crime thriller film NARC uses a sepia photo-effect in order to establish the mood and express the emotion within the characters faces. The layout is quite simple with just the two main characters in the middle, however the powerful visuals make it interesting and appealing to look at. The main colours in the poster are black, a sepia style brown, black and white for the title and "coming soon" writing. The fact that the title is written in an opposite colour within it's background means that it draws more attention. The "NARC" title and "comming soon" are the only white parts of the poster yet this is effective because it creates a link between the most important words in the poster. 


The poster in brick has a simple word layout yet an extremely artistic visual picture in the middle which blends in some of the characters faces together. This is a similar effect I might try to achieve in my poster, due to the film having a low budget, must rely on a strong source of visual effects in advertising after production. 

In this poster, the main words are highlighted are coloured in white but what's different about this poster and all the other posters apart from NARC is that it contains a quote from a review which emphasizes the strength of the film and how good it is.

Harry Brown

The juxtaposition between red and white causes a balance between the two opposing colours. Although the film has quite a sadistic atmosphere, the poster remains neutral. The tagline "Every man has a breaking point" is in white but in the red so it is clearly outlined. The violent screenshot from the film has an effect which blends into Harry Brown and fades out in the edges. The writing is bold but not too flashy which highlights the seriousness of the issues portrayed in the film. 


Kidulthood is another low budget British film which is possibly the most similar film we can compare ours. The poster uses a very simple layout with a quote at the top, one picture in the middle and the title and credits below. There seems to be little use of special effects but it also lets the audience know what the film is about. 

I conclude that the two most interesting posters I found were Brick for its special blending effect and also Kidulthood due to its simplicity. For my poster I will try to create a mix between the two in which a screenshot will take up the whole space of the poster but has other characters blended into it. 

Monday 7 November 2011

Shooting script

NOTE: Due to availability of actors and time the previous shooting script had to be cancelled and changed.

Location: In dark room with Joshua's boss (all done in low key lighting)

Close up of Joshua's face while he looks down, high angle
low angle shot of Boss, shadows on face.
close up of Boss's face while he talks,
Close up of Joshua's face as he tilts his head up to talk.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Shooting Scripts

Location: Bedroom
Low key, hard lighting throughout the scene. Slight blue tint.  
Note: Shots may change during editing process


Low angle close up of Omar’s face

Joshua is sitting down with back to the wall, from the look in his eyes we can tell his mind is blank

3 secs

Diegetic Breathing/ Soundtrack
Close up of hand
Joshua hand is shaking, the curtains/ windows in the room are closed but a ray of light makes his hand visible.
2 secs
Diegetic Breathing/ Soundtrack
High angle shot in top corner of room
We can see Joshua, with little rays of light just about making him visible in the dark room.
2 secs
Diegetic Breathing/ Soundtrack
Close up of Joshua, Smoking cigarette
Joshua takes a puff from the cigarette,
Use of slow motion when he exhales the smoke
2 secs
Diegetic exhale/ Soundtrack
High angle close up, overhead shot of Joshua smoking the cigarette
Joshua tilts his head backwards as he exhales the smoke, camera captures in slow motion smoke coming out of his mouth
2 secs
Diegetic exhale

Location: Street Scene where boys run past Joshua and drop the parcel

Low angle long shot, middle of the street.
Joshua walking through street corner     
1 sec
Soundtrack/ Ambient
Over the shoulder shot of Joshua looking backwards
Joshua is walking towards the camera and hears shouting, so he turns his head to look but continues to walk forwards
0.5 sec
Soundtrack/ Diegetic shouting
(if possible, depending on location)
Long, overhead, high angle shot of Joshua as he walks
Camera pans along with Joshua continuing from the previous shot
2 secs
Soundtrack/ Diegetic
Low angle shot filmed from the height of Joshuas waist showing
As Joshua stops he sees two boys running in his direction. The camera stays at his waist level as it shows them coming from the distance. Camera is out of focus on Joshua with him partially in the picture.
Soundtrack/ Diegetic
Over the shoulder close up as boys run past Joshua 
Camera is closely behind Joshua and tracks his movement as he is almost brought off balance from the boys running past him.
0.3 sec
Soundtrack/ Diegetic
Close up of Joshua's face
Camera is in focus with Joshua's face as he regains his balance and looks at the boys running  away
Soundtrack/ Diagetic
Low angle shot on ground of Joshua
Camera is at the height of the parcel which was dropped by the boys. Joshua turns his attention to the parcel and looks down to the ground
1 sec
Over the shoulder shot of Joshua reaching down to pick up parcel
Camera follows Joshuas   movement as he picks up the parcel
2 secs
Long shot of Joshua    reaching down to pick up parcel
Joshua reaches down to pick up parcel and the picture fades out to reveal the opening credits of trailer (optional)
2 secs
Silent then develops to Soundtrack
Close up of address on parcel, CUT TO
Close up of Joshua's stunned facial expression
High angle shot on parcel address,
Low angle shot showing Joshua's face.
Possible zoom out effect may be used
1 sec