Tuesday 4 October 2011


The film uses a variety of camera shots and angles to indulge the viewer into the film world. The handheld camera movement used within the first scene emphasises the realism. This only happens during the start of the film and is great due to the fact that the viewer is heavily glued to the screen afterwards. The shaking puts you into the characters shoes and especially when mixed with the pleonastic sound of his heavy breathing, this brings you one step closer to the action. 

The close up of his face before and after the opening scene allow us to bond with the character and draw the attention to whatever it is he might be pondering upon. The blue filter used while filming the opening signifies the difference between the memory and the real world and this is made clearer with the flash cut show 18 seconds into the video. The use of this completely changes the emotion of the viewer by changing it from a calm, quiet yet gloomy moment straight to a fast paced action filled scene. This contrast in mood makes it more interesting to watch as the audience is quickly immersed into action.

The scene where Nick (played by Jason Patric) is scrolling through the files, the camera suddenly tracks through an extreme close up of certain sentences and words. This scene would be particularly effective in a trailer as it would add a sense of urgency, however in order to do this effectively, it is crucial not too much of the films plot is revealed. 

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